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A letter to my Mum——星港学校加拿大修学报道(十八)

发布时间:2019-05-27 点击数: 字体:A- A+

Dear Mum:

I haven’t seen you for a long time. How are you? Are you happy everyday? How is the sister? How tall is she now?

I have so many questions to ask you...

I think these days you must be relaxed. Because you can only look after my sister. And I’m happy everyday, so don’t worry about me.

Now I learn so much knowledge. In my school, the teachers and the students are all very friendly. If I have questions, they are all there for me. If i don’t know what they are saying, they will draw a picture to make me understand.

And my host family are nice to me. Even sometimes the brother makes some jokes, but I still think he’s just playing with me. The sister has so many medals. She can dance very well. She has four dance lessons every week.

I will come back soon! I can’t wait to see you.

Best wishes!

Your daughter: Amy

May 24th 2019